We are go for photos

So I'm posting some of them anyway, on the assumption that no one is reading this post, and that the odds of the recipients reading it is extremely slim.
Please excuse the poor quality of this photo, but thanks to my parents, at least I have the ability to post photos now. The hat and two scarves in this picture are gifts for a baby, mom and grandmom. Hope they like them! They seem as if they'd appreciate the silliness of coordinated accessories and I'm going to request a photo of them all wearing them together. The dad and granddad are also getting coordinating gifts, but that wasn't really intentional. I just happened to pick out wool from Harrisville Designs for both of their projects, and ended up using some leftover yarn from one on the other. This yarn is awesome. Very soft-spun, so you have to be careful with it (I tore it twice the first time I cast on with it), but looks great knit up. I didn't realize it when I bought it from my local yarn shop, but Harrisville has yarns that look very similar with slightly different contents. I bought three skeins: one was 20% flax and 80% wool, another was 25% mohair, 5% silk, and 70% wool, and the third I lost the label to, so I'm not sure.
Currently on the needles... presents for my parents. These presents are not considered late, since my parents are visiting in a couple of weeks and we are doing some of our holiday celebrating (and gifting) then.
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