I finished
this hat yesterday, commissioned by someone I work with. He wanted something pretty simple in design, with an interesting yarn to add a little depth to it. I think this fits the bill, and I hope he likes it! (In the photo, this hat is displayed on a glass jar; when it is on someone's head it looks more round, and the brim doesn't roll up quite as much.)

My scribble lace scarf (based on the pattern in
Mason Dixon Knitting) is done. Because it's so lacy, I was concerned about how the ends would look woven in, so I consulted my knitting group, and someone suggested sewing the ends in, which is what I ended up doing. I'm quite pleased with how it came out, and I think I will be wearing it to
Rhinebeck. I'm intrigued by
how different scribble lace can look depending on the yarns and needles used.

I just finished these wristwarmers for a swap I'm participating in. They're made from Patons SWS (a self-striping wool and soy blend) which I really like. It is so soft and feels nice to knit with. My only complaint is that it is a tad loosely spun, which means it splits more easily than I'd prefer. I made some minor changes to
the pattern (on even rows, I purled 7 at the beginning of the row and purled 8 at the end of the row, which is the opposite of what the pattern instructs), and it would have been great if the gauge was listed. Other than that, I really liked the pattern, and thought it worked very well with the yarn. I see more of these in my future.

Another pair of wristwarmers (promised to a friend over a year ago I think) that are not as done as they look in the photo. The first time I made them, one was significantly larger than the other (can you tell?), so I ripped it out and started again. A few rows from the end, I realized I counted wrong and I need to rip it and start over again. Arg. At least they knit up quickly.
Also in progress (still): a mesh produce bag, commissioned armwarmers, and a big, cozy blanket which I anticipate taking several years to finish.
Up next: a sweater from
Weekend Knitting, more spinning, and getting started on holiday gifts.
I love to see a new entry here -- especially with the wonderful photos.
Wow! You are an ambitious and creative knitter-craftswoman. I like them all -- the hat (I hope the buyer likes it too)and the scribble scarf looks great and I love the wrist warmers that you made for the swap.
Keep knitting -- inbetween all else good.
Anonymous, at 5:17 AM
I'm a tad late to the tea party here- but I did want to chime in and mention that I love your scribble lace scarf - it is so lacy and delicate looking!
LLA, at 8:35 AM
cute wrist warmers ;)
Pennie, at 4:46 AM
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