- Weave in ends on scribble lace shawl
- Knit 2nd wristwarmer
- Finish knitting mesh produce bag
- Rip out and start again on felted market bag
- Get to work on two commissioned knitted pieces
- Sew up my shrug a little more so it stays on better
- Knit wristwarmers for swap
- Upload new items to my Etsy shop
- More spinning
- Then try some Kool-Aid dyeing
- Mend holes in 3 shirts, couch cover
- Hem pants
- Lengthen pants
- Alter bras
- Sew 4 patchwork bags - 2 of my own design (already started), and 2 like these
- Sew a pincushion for this challenge
- Sew a monster mascot for my Etsy shop
- Clean and oil my sewing machine (I have no idea how to do this)
- Do more doodling, drawing, writing, scribbling, collaging
- Make a linoleum block print and some stamps
- Make a coiled yarn basket (now where did I see instructions for that recently?)
I'm sure there's more, but this is overwhelming enough. Anyone care to share their list?
Quite a list! I hope that you enjoy adding and subtracting from it.
I didn't send my list -- I can compile one -- because it seems to change often. I have a looseleaf notebook filled with plans and possibities -- projects, activities, travel, etc. My own interpretation of the 101 in 1001 project.
Here's info about 101 in 1001 found at:
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Fun to look at other people's lists -- their categories as well as their specifics.
Anonymous, at 3:51 AM
the wristwarmer/ribbon bracelets are just darling! And I can't wait to see what your scribble scarf looks like...
LLA, at 6:09 AM
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