Monster Knit Rally

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sew? I Knit!

I finished my project for Sew? I Knit just under the wire. I made a pouch from this book, Made for Travel by Mary Mulari, which I got from the library. This book has good instructions, a few really cute projects, some other decent ideas that could be modified to be really cute, and definitely a fair share of tacky projects.
I did all the sewing by hand, since my machine is in storage about 3,000 miles away.
The fabric, zipper and ribbon for the zipper pull were all things I had on hand. The only thing I bought was iron-on interfacing to make the fabric a little more sturdy. I'd never used interfacing before, but it turned out to be very easy to use, and increased the weight of the fabric the perfect amount. Overall, I really like the way it turned out, though I think my sewing skills could use a little work. I'm excited I got a chance to use the zipper, I have a small bag of them I got at the thrift store. (If anyone has the perfect project for some lime green 7" or 9" zippers, let me know, and I'd send a couple your way).

I hate to be so trendy, but I think my next sewing project may be a softie. I always admire them on other folks blogs, but what would I do with one (or many)? But a friend saw Monsieur Perkins and wanted to commission me to make a stuffed animal for a friend of hers. I was thinking of how much I would have to charge someone to even remotely make up for the amount of time I put into making something like that, and it occurred to me that using fabric (instead of knitting the fabric myself) would be immensely faster. We'll see if I still think that once I start cutting up fabric.


  • Thanks for reminding me about this little pouch. The book has been on my sewing book shelf for years but I don't think I've ever used it.

    I need something to pass as a small bag for a wedding in June and this might be it. I never use a purse so don't want to spend real money on one.

    The dress I'm contemplating ordering is longer than I'd like so I'm sure I could get enough fabric out of that for a small bag and I must have something suitable in my zipper collection.

    Interfacing is in a box in my sewng stuff stash.

    How's that for a "free" purse?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:43 PM  

  • could you post a tutorial on the sew? i knit blog please????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 PM  

  • Very cute -- and I like that you used what you have around.
    The book looks interesting as well (yeah libraries!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:12 AM  

  • I am so impressed that you sewed that by hand. It is very pretty.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:21 AM  

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