Monster Knit Rally

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Plenty of stuff going on here, but not much time to write. I am transitioning from one job to another, and working both for the next week or so, which makes things pretty hectic.

So I thought I'd share a few links that made me smile in the midst of the craziness.

The Vegan Lunch Box - My dad made me awesome lunches when I was a kid, so I'm not jealous. But I would love to have someone make lunches like this for me now to take to work every day. Warning: this blog will make you hungry.

Decorating with paper snowflakes (at MSL)
- So winter's pretty much over here, but having come to Northern Arizona from the Northeast, I feel a little cheated of a real winter. So I'm thinking about making my own snow before it's truly spring. Plus, this is another great project to do with reused paper.

Tiny Showcase - These tiny prints are definitely on my wish list. A great way to support artists and own something beautiful without having to sell everything you own to buy some art. The current one is really cute (but already sold out). I've had a really hard time resisting "Bear & Wolf" from February 14th.

And these adorable rubber stamps coming soon at The Small Object. This is one of those things I wish I had made. Not so, but instead they will go on my wish list. Or I will just look at them online and grin.


  • I love that Tiny Showcase site! Thanks for sharing it.

    By Blogger Karin, at 10:45 PM  

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