Swaps galore
I recently discovered Swap-bot and promptly signed up for a recipe swap and a tea swap. I sent out my packages yesterday, and I already received the recipes from my recipe swap partner. They sound tasty and she printed them up with yummy color photos too. I'm excited to receive my tea packages; I hope they arrive soon.
Pictured above: My red recipe book - it has all my favorite recipes from various cookbooks, along with some pretty food pictures I've cut out of magazines that I'll probably never make, but I love to look at. The cookbook Street Food falls into that category too - amazing droolworthy photos, but for the most part, recipes I wouldn't make. Good thing it's from the library. Also from the library is Julie & Julia, my current reading, about a woman who attempts to cook all the recipes from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year. I like it.
These are the tea swap packages I sent out. I actually got motivated before I sent them and wrapped up the contents in pretty polka-dot tissue paper, but I forgot to take a picture of the finished product. The swap required that the tea be sent in a tin (a tea tin or otherwise), and since I didn't have any tins laying around, I hit up the thrift shop and got these two for just over $1 - definitely within my budget. I hope my swap partners like them!
These were my first two swaps, and I think starting with some simple ones was a good way to ease my way in. But now I want more and I'm ready for bigger swaps... Anyone interested? I'd love to swap something I knit for something sewn, since I don't do much sewing myself, but I'd be open to swaps of all kinds. Please comment or email me if you'd like to swap. I'll have to browse around over at Swap-bot in the meantime.

These were my first two swaps, and I think starting with some simple ones was a good way to ease my way in. But now I want more and I'm ready for bigger swaps... Anyone interested? I'd love to swap something I knit for something sewn, since I don't do much sewing myself, but I'd be open to swaps of all kinds. Please comment or email me if you'd like to swap. I'll have to browse around over at Swap-bot in the meantime.
Do you have any particular ideas about what you would like to swap for? Knit vs sewing?
Anonymous, at 6:20 AM
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