Monster Knit Rally

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Plenty of stuff going on here, but not much time to write. I am transitioning from one job to another, and working both for the next week or so, which makes things pretty hectic.

So I thought I'd share a few links that made me smile in the midst of the craziness.

The Vegan Lunch Box - My dad made me awesome lunches when I was a kid, so I'm not jealous. But I would love to have someone make lunches like this for me now to take to work every day. Warning: this blog will make you hungry.

Decorating with paper snowflakes (at MSL)
- So winter's pretty much over here, but having come to Northern Arizona from the Northeast, I feel a little cheated of a real winter. So I'm thinking about making my own snow before it's truly spring. Plus, this is another great project to do with reused paper.

Tiny Showcase - These tiny prints are definitely on my wish list. A great way to support artists and own something beautiful without having to sell everything you own to buy some art. The current one is really cute (but already sold out). I've had a really hard time resisting "Bear & Wolf" from February 14th.

And these adorable rubber stamps coming soon at The Small Object. This is one of those things I wish I had made. Not so, but instead they will go on my wish list. Or I will just look at them online and grin.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Things I Love Thursday

Not sure where this idea came from originally, but I've really enjoyed reading Lisa's "Seven Things I Love" series. This morning I have been thinking about some of the things that make me happy (as opposed to thinking about the things that stress me out - like my job) and thought this was a nice way to recap.

Some things I love:
the smell of beeswax
dark chocolate
tea (mostly herbal or green)
threatening skies
plants and growing things
good books
magazines (perhaps more of a guilty pleasure)
bright red and pink, maroon, purple, turquise, sky blue and black
rock climbing
being alone
down time with mr. cool
time not spent at my job

This is definitely only a partial list.
Perhaps to be continued...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Corners of my Home

Another post in the Corners of my Home theme.

This is our kitchen windowsill where our bottle cap collection lives. Mr. Cool makes fun of me for saving glass jars, but I like the way they look used like this for storing chopsticks and utensils.

Another beginning collection is Mr. Cool's shell collection. No, not sea shells. Old bullet shells. They were on display in the living room until I discovered they are a perfect fit for this tiny ledge in the entry to our bathroom.

Computer Free Days

This past Monday, I had my first intentionally Computer Free Day. Much thanks to Blair of Wise Craft for the excellent idea! She's also celebrating a blog landmark right now, so head on over and check it out.

Since I use a computer at work, my computer free days will only be computer free at home. I'll also be refraining from blog-related activities at work. Since my computer is also the only way I have to watch TV or movies on DVD, I'll also being making it a TV free day as well. (My recent addiction to old Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes on DVD from the library had to be brought under control.)

Instead of zoning out on the computer, I used my Monday evening to go to the library with Mr. Cool, get into bed early, and do some reading. I am hoping this Monday will be similar.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Flash Your Stash

I've joined the 2006 Flash Your Stash over at Zibbibo is Good. I don't have too much yarn to show off, but I think I'd like to go through what I have to help prod me to work on some of the projects I have in my head.

Plus, maybe Mr. Cool will think my pile of yarn is more reasonable in comparison to some of the other stashes that will be on display.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Paper craft

Since I've been avoiding my knitting, the only solution was to try out a different project I've been thinking about. So it was off to Michael's in the snow to get a cutting mat, ruler and knife, so I could try making these little paper stars. I used this tutorial, which was decent, though the folding instructions could have been a little more clear.

I strung some of the stars on quilting thread and was thinking of making a mobile, or perhaps just hanging them in a window.

I've been thinking a lot about craft projects that use materials that would otherwise be trash. I love seeing all the posts about thrifty craft projects, but when it comes down to it, buying something at a thrift store is still buying something. Usually something you don't need. So I've been trying to come up with more projects that utilize trash (or recycling). For these stars, I used some old magazines from work that were getting tossed.

A couple of other projects in this theme are:

Gum Wrapper Chain and Cigarette Wrapper Wreath and this paper garland (via The Small Object)

Paper bowls (on Craftster)

Lekkner's t-shirt scarf and pins made out of fabric scraps (site is currently being remodeled)

Sweater update

Just to prove I have made a little progress on my sweater, here is some photographic evidence. The body has been sewn together and the i-cords attached. I did the single crochet around the neckline, but it was my first crochet attempt in many years, I think I may redo it since I'm not terribly pleased with the way it came out. Besides that, I just have to attach the arms and block it, which seems like it will take forever since I keep procrastinating on the finishing.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Printmaking Books

I've been too embarassed to post because my so-called Olympic sweater is still not finished. The knitting was all done by the end of the Olympics, but I've just been dragging on the finishing. I'm not dwelling on it though - I've made two (and am about halfway through a third) chemo caps to donate to the American Cancer Society. The whole thing was organized by the fabulous folks at Unravel, my LYS, and they donated all the yarn.

I've been really interested in learning more about different kinds of printmaking lately. Here are a few books I got out of the library on the subject. My favorite, the one open in this photo, is The Graphic Work of Leonard Baskin. Also pictured is Picasso Linocuts, Pre-Hispanic Mexican Stamp Designs, and Curious Woodcuts of Fanciful and Real Beasts. I've said it before and I will most definitely say it again: I love libraries!

Here's a closer-up of one of the pages. That is a rather odd looking dog laying in the grass at the bottom of the page.

And this is a page I liked from Curious Woodcuts of Fanciful and Real Beasts. The first time I tried to check this book out of the library, I couldn't because it wasn't in their system (How did it get there? I imagine someone sneaking it into the library and sticking it on the shelf when no one was looking.), and they said to try next time. So there was a bit of build up before I actually got to take it home, but it definitely lived up to my expectations. And such a matter-of-fact but intriguing title too.